How to Take Care of Low Porosity Hairs( Make Low Porosity Hairs Healthy Now 2022)

If you have low porosity hair, you know how tricky it is to maintain it healthy and good-looking. Your hair may be dry and prone to tangles, and it can be tough to get products to penetrate the hair shaft. But with the right tips and tricks, you can take care of your low porosity hair and keep it looking sleek and shiny. In this blog post, we will be discussing what makes hairs low porosity and how to take care of low porosity hairs

What are the most frequent reasons for low porosity hairs? 

There are a few different factors that can contribute to low porosity hair. One of the most common causes is damage to the hair shaft. This can happen from over-processing with chemicals, heat styling, and even environmental factors like sun exposure. When the hair’s cuticle is damaged, it rises, making it harder for moisture and products to permeate the hair shaft.

Low porosity hair can also be caused by heredity, some medical issues, and even some drugs. Your hair may have poor porosity if it is exceedingly light or thin.

How can you know if your hairs have a low porosity? 

You can tell if you have low porosity hair in a few different ways. One way is to do a strand test. Put a small chunk of clean, dry hair in a water bowl. If the hair floats, then it has low porosity.

Another way to tell is by looking at your hair. It may have low porosity if your hair is often dry, brittle, or has trouble retaining color. Also, low porosity hair may be difficult to style and can have a lot of flyaways.

What are the signs of hairs with low porosity?

There are a few different symptoms of low porosity hair. One of the most common symptoms is dryness. Low porosity hair may feel dry and straw-like, and it cannot be easy to get products to penetrate the hair shaft. It can lead to buildup on the scalp and hair that is difficult to style.

Another symptom of low porosity hair is tangled. The raised cuticles of low porosity hair can make it prone to tangles and knots. It’s hugely aggravating while trying to style your hair.

Low porosity hair may also be difficult to color. The raised cuticles can make it difficult for the dye to penetrate the hair shaft, leading to uneven color and fading.

How to take care of low porosity hairs?

There are a few different things that you can do to take care of low porosity hair. 

Use lightweight oils

If you have hair with low porosity, you know how tough it is to get chemicals to penetrate the hair roots. But lightweight oils can help seal the cuticle and allow products to penetrate the hair better. Some great oils for low porosity hair include jojoba oil, argan oil, and coconut oil.

Avoid heat styling

Heat styling can damage the hair shaft and make it difficult for moisture to penetrate. If you have low porosity hair, try to limit heat styling as often as feasible. If you need heat, be sure to use a heat resistant, and it is better to keep the temperature lower.

Deep condition regularly

Deep conditioning is a treatment you do after shampooing your hair. It helps to rehydrate and revives your strands by replenishing lost moisture. It also aids in detangling your hair, making it easier to manage. Deep conditioners are vital in helping you achieve healthy-looking and feeling hair when you have low porosity hair.

Prevent buildup

Buildup can be a problem for all hair types, but it is ubiquitous with low porosity. Buildup happens when products and dirt accumulate on the scalp and hair, causing it to look and feel heavy. To avoid buildup, condition your hair regularly and apply a cleansing shampoo.

Protect your hair from the sun

The sun can harm your hair, making it dull and lifeless. If you have low porosity hair, protect your strands from the sun by wearing a hat or using a leave-in conditioner with SPF.

Be gentle with your hair

Low porosity hair is delicate, so it’s essential to be gentle when shampooing, conditioning, and styling. Avoid harsh chemicals and heat styling, which can damage the hair shaft. Instead, opt for sulfate-free products and use cool or warm temperatures when styling. Also, use a wide-tooth comb when detangling your hair to avoid breakage.

Use water-based products

Water-based products for hairs are those whose main ingredient is water. This includes things like leave-in conditioners, detanglers, and mists. The benefits of using water-based products on low porosity hair are that they are light and help moisturize the hair without putting extra weight on hairs.

Related: Why does my hair feel waxy


Low porosity hair may be difficult to style, but you can do a few things to make it easier. Use lightweight oils to help products penetrate the hair shaft and avoid heat styling as much as possible.

Be sure to condition regularly and use a clarifying shampoo to prevent buildup. And finally, use water-based products to help moisturize your hair without weighing it down. If you follow these tips, you’ll be on your way to healthier-looking and feeling low porosity hair. We hope now you have hands-on information on how to take care of low porosity hairs.


How to moisturize low porosity hair daily?

Moisturizing low porosity hair daily can be done with various products, but we recommend using a leave-in conditioner or cream to help lock in moisture.

For best results, apply your product to damp or wet hair and then cover it with a plastic cap for 20-30 minutes. It will help your hair absorb the product and retain moisture. After 30 minutes, remove the cap and style as usual.

How often should I wash low porosity hair?

Washing low porosity hair too often can strip away the natural oils that your hair needs to stay healthy and moisturized. We suggest cleaning your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo twice a week.

How can I stop my low porosity hair from frizzing?

Avoid utilizing heat styling tools as often as necessary. If you must use heat, make sure you use a heat-resistant product and the lowest setting feasible.

Also, avoid tight hairstyles that can Strain your hair and cause breakage. Instead, opt for looser styles that will help keep your hair moisturized.

How do I know if my low porosity hair is healthy?

Healthy low, porosity hair should be soft, shiny, and frizz-free. If your hair is dry, brittle, or prone to frizz, it may be a sign that it is not getting enough moisture.

Is rice water treatment good for low porosity hair?

Yes! Rice water is an excellent option for low porosity hair as it can help to moisturize and condition the hair deeply. To make it, boil 1 cup of rice in 2 cups until the water turns murky. Allow the water to cool before straining the rice and using it as a final rinse after washing and conditioning your hair.

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