6 Effective Ways How to Speed Up Shedding After Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most widely used cosmetic procedures today. However, there is always the possibility of side effects, and hair regrowth is one of them. This can be especially frustrating if you’ve just had laser hair removal and are eager to see results.

This blog post explores how to speed up shedding after laser hair removal. So if you’re in the process of regrowth hair and want to get rid of it ASAP, read on!

What is post-laser hair loss and what does it do?

Shedding is the body’s process of getting rid of dead skin cells and hair. After laser hair removal, people often experience some shedding in the treated area.

This is because the laser can cause damage to the hair follicles, which in turn triggers the shedding process. While shedding may occur a few days after treatment, it can also last for weeks.

Is shedding after laser hair removal a good sign?

Yes, in most cases, hair removal is a good sign that laser hair removal treatments are working. This means the hair follicles have been damaged and the body is shedding the treated hair.

However, it’s important to note that shedding can also mean overtreatment. That’s why it’s important to follow your doctor’s or dermatologist’s advice on how many laser hair removal sessions you should have.

How to Naturally Accelerate Shedding After Laser Hair Removal?

We’ll share proven natural and medical ways to help with shedding.


One of the best ways to speed up exfoliation is to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation involves removing dead cells from the top layer of the skin. You can do this with a physical exfoliator like a loofah or body brush. Also, use a chemical exfoliator (for example, alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA)).

use warm water

Use warm water rather than hot water when showering or bathing. When you put warm water on your skin, it helps loosen and remove dead skin cells, which speeds up exfoliation.

gently massage the skin

Massaging exfoliated skin can also help speed up the process. You can practice with a towel, loofah, or your hands.

What are the medically tested ways to speed up the shedding process?

Some medicinal solutions can help speed up the shedding process.

Retinoid: A form of vitamin A that can be applied to the skin. They work by increasing cell turnover, which helps shed dead skin cells and hair faster. If you are considering retinoids, you must first consult your doctor or dermatologist, as they can cause side effects such as dryness, redness, and irritation.
Laser therapy: Laser therapy can also help speed up shedding. This process causes rapid hair loss by damaging the hair follicles with light radiation.
Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory medications that are injected into the skin. They reduce stiffness and irritation, thereby speeding up the shedding process.
How long does it take for shedding to stop completely?

Shedding usually starts a few days after laser hair removal treatment and can last for several weeks.

In most cases, shedding stops on its own. But we’ve also found that some people may need medical treatment, such as laser therapy or corticosteroids, to help speed up the process. This is because, in some cases, hair follicles can become overprocessed and damaged, leading to longer shedding.

How long does it take for regeneration to stop completely?

It usually takes 4-6 treatments to see a noticeable decrease in hair growth. However, it’s important to note that everyone is different. Depending on your hair growth rate, you may need more or fewer treatments.

It usually takes 3-6 months for regeneration to stop completely. Lasers only damage active hair follicles that are in the anagen phase.

The dormant period can last for months when the hair follicles are not actively growing. During this time, the hair follicles gradually shrink and eventually die. This is why it may take several months for the regeneration to stop completely.

RELATED: How to Remove Dead Hair After Laser

in conclusion

If you are regrowth after laser hair removal, there are things you can do to speed up the hair removal process. Exfoliating, using warm water, and gently massaging the skin can all help. If you’re looking for a more medical solution, retinoids and laser therapy can be discussed with your doctor or dermatologist.


Is it safe to use medication to speed up shedding?

Yes, medications such as retinoids, laser therapy, and corticosteroids are safe to use if you are regrowth after laser hair removal. But some people may experience side effects such as roughness, redness, and itching.

Is the loss permanent after laser hair removal?

No, shedding is not permanent. In most cases it will stop by itself. But sometimes, people

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