Does laser Hair Removal Work on Grey Hairs? Let’s Explore Now 2022

Does laser hair removal work on grey hairs? No, laser hair removal does not work on grey hair. The treatment targets the pigment in the hair follicle, so the laser has nothing to latch onto without color.

However, it doesn’t indicate that you’re out of ideas if you’re seeking a solution to eliminating undesirable gray hairs. Other hair elimination procedures are still available to you. This post will walk you through to explore why laser hair removal is ineffective on grey hairs and what else you can try to get rid of grey hairs.

Why does laser hair removal not work best on grey hairs?

The lasers directly hit the melanin in the hair shaft throughout the laser hair removal process. The melanin starts absorbing the energy from lasers and transforms it into heat. Then this heat starts destroying the hair follicle. However, grey hair has little to no melanin, so they don’t absorb laser energy. That’s why laser hair removal doesn’t work on grey hair.

Another reason laser hair removal is ineffective on grey hair is that the follicles of grey hair are often smaller and more challenging to target. It makes the laser’s capability to remove hair much more challenging. 

Two lasers are commonly used for hair removal: YAG and Alexandrite. YAG lasers are better at targeting dark pigment, while Alexandrite lasers are better at targeting light pigment. However, neither type of laser effectively targets gray hair because there is no pigment to target.

If you’re looking for a way to remove your gray hair, you’ll need to explore other options such as waxing, plucking, or shaving. These methods may not be as permanent as laser hair removal, but they will still be effective in removing your grey hair.

What are the other temporary methods for removing gray hair?

Waxing, plucking, electrolysis, and shaving are all effective hair removal methods for grey hair.


Waxing is a short-term hair removal procedure that can last a few days to a few weeks. It works by removing hair from the shaft using heated wax. Waxing is an effective hair removal method for grey hair because it can remove the hair from the root, even if the follicle is small. Waxing can also help you to remove dead hairs after laser hair removal.

You’ll need to find a salon that offers waxing services. You can also purchase a wax box and perform it at home.


Plucking involves pulling the hair out at the root. You can use your fingertips, tweezers, or an epilating tool.

Removing grey hair with plucking can be helpful in two ways. First, it can help improve the hair’s appearance by eliminating unwanted greys. 

Second, plucking can also help to boost the emergence of new hair. When the hair is pulled out at the root, it causes a minor injury to the hair follicle. This injury then triggers the hair follicle to go into the resting phase and grow new hair.

But remember that when you pluck a grey hair, you remove the entire hair shaft from the follicle. It can cause damage to the follicle, which may lead to inflammation, scarring, and infection.

Plucking can also stimulate the release of histamine, which can cause redness, swelling, and itching.


Shaving is a temporary hair removal procedure that includes removing hair from the skin’s surface with a razor. It does not damage the hair follicle or stimulate new hair growth.

While shaving is not a permanent solution, it can still be an effective way to eliminate grey hair. It is because grey hair is often softer and more nuanced than other hair colors, making it easier to shave off.

 In short, shaving is a viable alternative if you’re seeking a quick cure for your grey hair problem.

What are permanent methods for removing grey hair?

There are three main types of permanent hair removal: electrolysis, laser hair removal, and intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy.


Electrolysis is permanent hair removal that uses a small needle to destroy the hair follicle. A chemical reaction is then used to kill the cells that produce hair. Also known as “permanent hair removal,” electrolysis can help remove the hairs from any body area.

There are three types of electrolysis: galvanic, thermolytic, and blend. The most frequent kind of electrolysis is galvanic electrolysis, which utilizes a direct current (DC) to kill the hair follicle. Thermolytic electrolysis uses an alternating current (AC) to heat the hair follicle and destroy it. Blend electrolysis is a combination of both galvanic and thermolytic electrolysis.

The main advantage of electrolysis over other hair removal methods is that you can use it on any skin color or hair type. It is also the single everlasting hair removal procedure permitted by the FDA. 

This hair removal method is effective for all hair colors, including gray hair. However, it can be painful, and you must pass through multiple sessions to get the desired results.

IPL therapy

IPL therapy is a type of permanent hair removal that uses intense pulsed light to target the melanin in the hair follicle. The heat of light destroys the follicle, which stops the formation of new hairs.

IPL therapy is considered a safe and effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods, such as shaving, waxing, and electrolysis.

IPL therapy can remove hair from the face, chest, back, bikini, and other body areas. A qualified esthetician or dermatologist should handle this procedure.

But remember, IPL therapy is not recommended for people with dark skin tones or tanned skin, as the light can cause burns. It’s also not suggested for persons with specific medical disorders like lupus or diabetes.

If you’re considering getting IPL therapy, go to a certified esthetician or dermatologist to determine if it’s suitable.

How to prevent from getting gray hairs?

There are a few things you can do to prevent gray hair, such as:

Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the foremost causes of premature gray hair. It is because the nicotine in cigarettes can damage the melanin-producing cells in the hair follicle, which leads to a loss of pigmentation.

Smoking can also cause a build-up of toxins in the body, further damaging the hair follicles and leading to gray hair. If you want to prevent gray hair, it is essential to quit smoking.

Use sunscreen

Sun exposure can cause pigmentation decline by damaging the melanin-producing cells in the hair follicle. Additionally, the UV rays from the sun can also damage the DNA of the hair follicle, which can lead to gray hair. Apply sunscreen to protect your hair from the sun when you’re outside. Use a water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Eat a nutritious diet

A good diet is essential for general health, particularly for reroofing hairs. A diet high in vitamins and minerals can help nourish the hair follicle and reduce damage. Some excellent foods for healthy hair include salmon, dark leafy greens, eggs, sweet potatoes, avocados, and nuts. 

In addition to eating a healthy diet, you should drink plenty of water. Water helps to keep the hair hydrated and can prevent dryness and breakage.

Use a gentle shampoo

If you want to stop getting grey hairs, it is important to use a gentle shampoo. Because harsh shampoos can strip the natural oils from strands, that can lead to dryness and breakage. Search for shampoos that are devoid of sulfate and other harmful compounds. You should also avoid shampooing with hot water, which will dry out your hair even more.


Laser hair removal does not work on grey hair as the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle. Grey hair does not contain coloring, so the laser hair removal will not perform as it should. IPL therapy may be better if you’re aiming for a long-term hair removal option.

Also, take steps to prevent gray hair by quitting smoking and sunscreen. Eating a healthy diet and using a gentle shampoo can also help prevent damage to the hair follicle. 


Are grey hair and white hair the same thing?

No, grey hair and white hair are not the same things. A loss of pigment in the hair follicle can cause grey hairs, while a complete absence of pigment causes white hair.

Can grey hairs be removed permanently?

There is no permanent solution for grey hair, as the hair follicle does not contain pigment. However, there are temporary solutions, such as hair dye or bleaching.

Is electrolysis effective for grey hair?

Yes, electrolysis can be effective for grey hair. The electrolysis needle targets the hair follicle, which does not contain pigment.

Can you remove grey hair with laser hair removal?

No, you cannot remove grey hair with laser hair removal. It is because the pigment found in the hair follicles is the real target of lasers. Grey hair does not contain pigment, so the laser will not work well on such hair types.

Can IPL therapy be used to remove hair from the face?

Yes, IPL therapy can be used to remove hair from the face. A licensed esthetician or dermatologist usually performs the treatment in a professional setting.

Is IPL therapy safe for people with dark skin tones?

IPL therapy is not recommended for people with dark skin tones or tanned skin, as the light can cause burns.

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